马塔戈达县社区健康诊所 provides primary and preventive health services to meet the needs of qualified members of the community. 社区健康诊所 不 担任马塔戈达县卫生局. 服务包括:
- 医疗援助计划资格服务
- Primary Care to qualified patients on the 马塔哥达 County 医疗援助计划(M.A.P.)
- 妇女、婴儿和儿童(WIC)
Provider clinic appointments require patients to bring all current medications at every 访问.
LMAP patients should note that a copayment is expected at time of service for every 访问.
Please note that WIC诊所 locations and hours of operations are not the same as the 社区健康诊所. 点击这里访问WIC诊所页面.
马塔戈达县社区健康诊所 不 担任马塔戈达县的地方卫生部门. The Local 健康 Department for 马塔哥达 County is Texas Department of State 健康 Services, 南6/5公共卫生区, 为奥斯丁, 科罗拉多州, 马塔哥达, 沃勒, 利伯蒂县和沃顿县. 可致电713-767-3000与TDSHS南6/5公共卫生区联系. For infectious disease reporting of notifiable conditions, please see the TDSHS website at http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/idcu/investigation/conditions/contacts/Reg6.asp
Clients who do not meet eligibility guidelines for the 医疗援助计划(M.A.P.)将转介至马塔戈达主教健康外展计划(MEHOP). MEHOP is a Federally Qualified 健康care Center (FQHC) providing primary medical care, 牙科, 儿科, 妇产医院, 以及行为健康. MEHOP接受大多数私人保险,医疗保险和医疗补助. 如未投保或保险利益有限, MEHOP offers discounts (sliding fees) for services based on household income if eligible. 联系MEHOP电话:979-245-2008或 www.mehop.org 了解更多信息.
马塔戈达县医疗援助方案(M.A.P.) is offered as a service of the 马塔哥达 County Hospital District for qualified citizens who reside in 马塔哥达 County, 并以地区制定的标准为基础. M.A.P. Program provides certain healthcare services to eligible low income citizens of 马塔哥达 County.
- 住宅, 必须是居住在马塔戈达县的公民
- 收入- May not exceed the minimum established Federal Poverty Income Level (FPIL) of 71 percent , 基于住户构成
- 资源/资产- 不得超过$2,000(如为长者或残疾人士,则不得超过$3,000)
- IMAP (Indigent Medical Assistance Program) 0 – 21 percent of Federal Poverty Income Level (FPIL)
- LMAP (Low Income Medical Assistance Program) 22 – 71 percent of Federal Poverty Income Level (FPIL)
- 在卫生防护中心或以书面转介提供的初级及预防保健服务.
- Inpatient and outpatient hospital services provided at 马塔戈达地区医疗中心 (星际娱乐app). 仅限IMAP程序 – referral to tertiary centers for inpatient and outpatient services with prior written referral if services unavailable in county and documented medical need.
- Laboratory and Radiology Services (Only those available at 星际娱乐app with approved orders and documented medical necessity)
药物必须在医院批准的处方上. Coordination of providing prescription medications is performed through a third party prescription program.
M.A.P. 合格的办公室
医疗援助计划(M.A.P.),报名时间为上午八时至中午及下午一时至五时, 星期一至星期五在卫生防护中心, G大道1413号, 海湾城,德克萨斯州77414. 填好申请表并递交, 以及所有必需的文档(如下所述), 完全地.A.P. 在社区健康诊所的办公室. 你可以邮寄、传真或亲自递交申请表 副本 将所有必需的文件提交给M.A.P. 办公室. Applicant must provide all information and documentation which is requested and the application must be completely filled out, 签名并注明日期.
First time applicants are encouraged to schedule an eligibility screening appointment with the M.A.P. 请致电979-244-8136. The application and documents can be reviewed and submitted during the eligibility screening appointment.
Documentation must be provided for each category below as it applies to you or anyone in your household. (一个家庭就是你自己, 你的妻子/丈夫, 儿童和任何与您同住的18岁以下的人).
收入证明, 居住证明, 需要提供家庭组成证明和资源证明. Examples of documents that can be used to provide proof for each category are included in the application packet instructions.
一旦申请和所有必需的文件被M收到.A.P. 办公室, 申请将在14天内处理完毕, 接收到所需的所有信息后. If you are requested to provide additional documentation to determine your eligibility, 所要求的文件也必须由M收到.A.P. 办公室 prior to eligibility determination with up to 14 days additional processing time required from date of submission. Failure to provide all of the required and/or requested items will delay your application and may cause your application to be denied.
一旦确定资格, applicants will be notified by mail regarding approval or denial of the application. 申请人有权对拒绝申请提出上诉.
所有申请都在有限的时间内获得批准. Application for renewal of benefits is required for renewal or extension of benefits. Applications must be submitted in a timely manner to prevent a lapse of coverage, and must include a new completed application form along with 副本 of proof of income, 居住证明, 住户组成证明, 以及资源证明. The same rules for processing of initial applications also applies to all subsequent applications for renewals.
The 社区健康计划 no longer provides this service due to a large number of local providers available. 正在转诊需要免疫接种的无保险患者
- TDSHS南6/5公共卫生区- (979)241-3120
- MEHOP的德克萨斯州儿童疫苗计划- (979)245-2008
卫生防护中心不提供成人免疫接种. 为没有保险的成年人提供疫苗的诊所包括
- TDSHS南6/5公共卫生区- (979)241-3120
- MEHOP (979) 245 - 2008
- 布拉索里亚县卫生局(979)864-1484
- 维多利亚市-县卫生局(361)578-6281
卫生防护中心不为前往国际目的地的旅客提供免疫接种. Those interested in inquiring about recommended international vaccines are referred to their primary care provider, 当地的药店, 维多利亚市郡卫生局, 或Redi诊所. Additional information can be found on the Centers for Disease Control’s website for recommended vaccines.
These services are now provided for 马塔哥达 County through TDSHS Region 6/5 South and may be reached at (979)241-3120.
WIC诊所 locations and hours are not the same as Community 健康 hours and locations. 点击这里访问WIC诊所页面.